Feed: a food systems podcast
Is local or global more sustainable? What role should meat play in our diets? Who holds power in the food system? In a polarized world, this podcast explores the visions, values and evidence behind these debates. Feed, a project of TABLE, is in conversation with diverse experts who are trying to transform the food system.
Originally established as a collaboration between the University of Oxford, the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), and Wageningen University & Research (WUR), the TABLE network has since grown to include la Universidad de los Andes (Colombia) and la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. This podcast is operated by SLU.
For more info, visit https://tabledebates.org/podcast/
Feed: a food systems podcast
Introducing Fuel to Fork
When we bite into a juicy apple, barrels of crude oil and natural gas cylinders might not spring to mind. But fossil fuels are the hidden ingredient behind all of our food. For every calorie that ends up on our plates, around 10 calories of fossil fuels are used. From the diesel powering the tractors to the fertilizer in the field and plastic packaging, fossil fuels are the lifeblood of the food industry.
What are the options to phase out fossil fuels in food and what are the powerful forces standing in the way? To find out, subscribe to Fuel to Fork.
This series is powered by TABLE, IPES-Food and Global Alliance for the Future of Food.
Learn more at https://fueltofork.com/
I want to talk to you about this bag of potato chips I’m eating.
And the hidden ingredient that makes it all possible: fossil fuels.
I’m Matthew Kessler, host of the podcast Fuel to Fork.
From the diesel powering the tractors, to the oil used for frying, to the plastic packaging – Fossil fuels are working behind the scenes.
Can we phase out fossil fuels from our food?
Find Fuel to Fork wherever you listen to podcasts.